PROJECT: Recreational activities 500,000 sqm - residences and services for 10.000 inhabitants - Public space
AREA: 500.000 m2
CLIENT: C:CA / Center of Contemporary Architecture
TYPE: International competition
STATUS: Settled 2011
YEAR: 2011
TEAM : Schiavello Architects Office
DESCRIPTION: The platform of “Russia-Organic city” symbolizes the cultural and historical origins of Russia in a way that shows the relationship between the future and the past, between the sacred and the profane. Towers have always been a much loved feature of Russian architecture skyscrapers such as Kremlin, Lomonosov University and hotel Ucrainia where built with pointed tops, or inflated vertical turrets which gave an exotic air to the buildings associated with the Russian upper middle classes (the “Litejnij prospekt” or the “Petrogradskaja Storona”). These turrets had different uses they could house private chapels or simply be used as additional rooms in houses of the well-to-do. Starting from this analysis, is born the concept of a new city which is a fusion of historical and futuristic vision of Russia. The Organic-city will be an ecological city with residences and services for 10.000 inhabitants with an area of 400,000 square meters and 500,000 square meters for recreational activities which can be positioned anywhere. In this futuristic, fluid and dynamic city, the inhabitants can move in different themed areas(residences, private and public green spaces) as if they were passing through an urban “landscape” with many different situation. The structure is built with a double eco compatible skin with transparent diamond- cut exterior shell which allows the snow to slide easily and which on sunny days gathers energy thanks to organic photovoltaic cells positioned outside of the building.